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艾伯塔省碳网TM (ACG) 一个世界领先的碳运输和封存解决方案是为多个客户设计的吗, 行业, 和行业.

作为Pembina Pipeline和TC Energy的合作伙伴,ACG专注于提供CO2 通过利用两家公司的集体技能,在阿尔伯塔省各地提供运输和封存解决方案, 经验, 以及广泛的管道基础设施网络.

ACG is exploring options to potentially create several hubs throughout the province that would be designed to independently collect and store CO2 来自多个行业的客户安全且经济高效. ACG的长期愿景是每年运输和储存多达2000万吨CO2 通过艾伯塔省的几个中心.

ACG工业中心项目是第一个中心,也是目前的重点 – this project was recently selected by the Government of Alberta to further evaluate the proposed location for 安全 storing carbon.


工业中心项目是ACG目前的重点,并被设计为世界领先的碳捕获, 利用和存储(CCUS)系统将为艾伯塔省工业中心的排放者提供具有成本效益的排放者, 安全, 可靠的永久储存CO的解决方案2 同时帮助该省和行业实现重要的排放目标.

The project will be developed in phases with the potential capability of transporting and storing up to 10 million tonnes of CO2 完全发育后每年一次.

2022年2月,ACG向阿尔伯塔省政府提交了该项目的申请. 2022年3月,ACG成立 选择威尼斯电玩城游戏下载 into the next stage of the province’s CCUS process to further evaluate one of the largest Areas of Interest (AOI) for 安全 storing carbon from industrial emissions in Alberta.

ACG has entered into a carbon sequestration agreement with the Government of Alberta and secured the rights to evaluate over 900,在萨斯喀彻温堡北部有1000公顷的土地, Alberta that could potentially support a variety of customers throughout Alberta especially those in the Industrial Heartland region. 查看该地区的地图 在这里. We are still in the planning stages for the full evaluation work on the project and will continue to provide updates when more details are available.

ACG很高兴有机会与阿尔伯塔省政府合作, 与业内同行合作, 并与土著社区和主要利益攸关方联系,推进这项重要工作. 该项目是一项多年努力的一部分,旨在帮助实现联邦排放目标,并使阿尔伯塔省经济受益. CCUS是脱碳和减少温室气体排放的重要一步,有助于实现加拿大的气候目标.

随着威尼斯电玩城手游不断发展,以满足世界日益增长的能源需求, 威尼斯电玩城手游看到像阿尔伯塔碳网这样的能源转型项目在减少排放方面发挥了重要作用. 威尼斯电玩城手游很高兴有机会创造一个有效的战略解决方案,使威尼斯电玩城手游所有的利益相关者受益, 威尼斯电玩城手游期待着与该省合作, 推进CCUS, 哪些可以帮助威尼斯电玩城手游在实现减排目标的同时有效地降低成本.”

执行副总裁, 战略和企业发展及集团主管, 加拿大天然气管道和液体管道在威尼斯电玩城手游

艾伯塔省碳网 can be a game changer for CCUS in Alberta – it combines world-class technology and infrastructure solutions in one complete package that is easily scaled up and built out across the province. Pembina is poised to take an industry leading role to help achieve federal emissions targets and we are excited work together with the Government of Alberta and our industry partners to explore this project further.”

高级副总裁,市场营销和新投资 & 彭比纳的企业发展官


ACG’s long-term vision is to transport and store up to 20 million tonnes of CO2 annually through multiple hubs across Alberta – almost 10 percent of Alberta’s industrial emissions – contributing toward Canada’s enhanced climate targets.

ACG工业中心项目是第一个中心,也是目前的重点. This project will be developed in phases with the potential capability of transporting and storing up to 10 million tonnes of CO2 完全发育后每年一次.




在艾伯塔省合作开发世界领先的碳运输和封存解决方案. 读了 2021年6月17日新闻发布.


  • 世界领先的碳排放能力: 开放存取解决方案的长期目标是扩大到60人,000吨/日的运力, 或通过阿尔伯塔省的多个枢纽每年2000万吨, 约占艾伯塔省工业排放量的10%.
  • 互联互通: TC Energy and Pembina view the ACG as a multi-sector solution with interconnectivity between multiple key hubs for expanded emissions reductions.
  • 环境、成本和时间效益: 利用现有资产和通行权, 除了新的基础设施, 加速时间, 大大减少累积的环境和社区影响, 而且资本密集程度较低.
  • 经济发展: ACG的建设和运营, 以及对CCUS技术和基础设施的其他投资, will create an entirely new business platform for each company and create new high-value jobs and support economic growth across Alberta.
  • 安全 & 可靠的操作: World-leading experts have been engaged to evaluate technical and operating conditions of using existing pipeline systems to transport CO2. 作为CO的特点,这些公司拥有安全操作这些系统的技能和经验2 是否类似于今天安全运输的其他产品,如天然气. The completed feasibility study demonstrates that ACG is achievable while maintaining high standards of 安全ty and reliability. 这些公司一直在与监管机构合作推进该项目.
  • 以客户为中心的解决方案: 开放存取系统与多个收货点量身定制的客户封存需求.
  • 成本优势,透明的商业框架: The full build out of ACG represents the potential for a multi-billion-dollar incremental investment by TC Energy and Pembina over time, sustained by a commercial framework comprised of long-term fee-for-service contracts plus a marketing and trading pool to facilitate CO2 碳补偿交易. 按照提议的规模和重新利用现有资产, 利用两家公司在艾伯塔省现有的大量基础设施,并使用路权, ACG的通行费将大大低于阿尔伯塔省目前的碳价, 确保ACG作为CCUS解决方案的长期竞争力, 对客户来说,这是一个极具吸引力的价值主张.
  • 隔离: TC Energy和Pembina带来了封存方面的经验, 地下洞穴储藏库以及酸性气体和水处理设施遍布威尼斯电玩城手游的集体资产基地.
  • 多样化平台: 长期, ACG creates a new platform with a growing reach across Alberta to facilitate production of blue hydrogen and enhance petrochemical facilities in the future, 有利于阿尔伯塔经济, 以及TC Energy和Pembina的股东.



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T2P 5 h1


450 – 1 St. S.W.
T2P 5 h1

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